Sunday, October 3, 2010

Stargirl - Part 1

"Whose affection do you value more, hers or the others?" That question is posed by Senor Saguaro to Leo when he is faced with the reality of Stargirl's popularity. Put yourself in his shoes and honestly reflect upon what you would do if you were him. 6th graders, please post below.


  1. i wouldn't go with everyone else I would do what I wanted to do. We shouldn't follow others we should do what we want to do and what the right thing to do is.


  2. I would want to go with myself but I dont think that i could because being sunned it is very depressing and kinda make you feel mad. But when it comes down to it doing the right thing or being popular.

  3. I would be a little scared because if you decide to be with one person, you don't have as many friends and if you were to get in a fight or disagreement with that person, you would not have a friend for a while. But if you have a crowd of friends, you don't have this problem. It really just depends on the person--if they're nice and really care for you, I think you should be their friend. Or try to find a way to be everyone's friend.


  4. I think we should follow that one person, because the group might have a bad influence on you. It wouldn't be vice versa, because if they truly were your friend, they wouldn't try to do that stuff to you.

  5. I would want her affection but I would also want everyone's affection. It is a hard decision but it is a decision you have to make. In the end I would probably go along with the others

  6. I think that I would only want one persons ,because if you just going with the others they wouldn't pay attention to you but what is going on with everyone else.

  7. Honestly it probably depends on the person/ people I'm dealing with. If it's my best friend then I'd probably go with the one person, but if it's someone I have a crush on or something I'd go with the others. Meredith

  8. If i were at a new schoo and would go with the crowd but after a while id be myself cause if you go with the crowd all the time nobody will ever know the real you.

    -Valentina #6

  9. In my opinion I would do whatever I think is best to do. I would do this because its whats best for me to show who I am!!

  10. I think it would be lonely and harder to go with that one person but if you go with the crowd its a lot easier. Tyler
